What is the Growing Trend of ‘Tradwife’ All About?

In recent years, a phenomenon known as the ‘tradwife’ movement has been gaining traction across various online platforms and social media channels. This trend, characterised by women embracing traditional gender roles within the household, has sparked both curiosity and controversy. But what exactly is the ‘tradwife’ movement all about, and what are its underlying motivations and implications?
The facts
The term ‘tradwife’ is a portmanteau of ‘traditional’ and ‘wife,’ reflecting a lifestyle choice where women prioritize homemaking, child-rearing, and supporting their husbands as the primary breadwinners.
Followers of this movement often advocate for traditional values, gender roles, and domestic skills, rejecting modern feminism and the pursuit of career-driven ambitions.
The tradwife movement is largely driven by social media, where women share their experiences, tips, and opinions on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).
The tradwife trend is not a homogeneous or monolithic phenomenon, as different women may have different motivations, beliefs, and practices. Some tradwives are inspired by religious or conservative views, while others are simply nostalgic for a simpler or more fulfilling way of living.
Some tradwives wear vintage clothing and hairstyles, while others dress more casually or modernly. Some tradwives quit their jobs and education to focus on their domestic duties, while others balance their careers and family life. Some tradwives defer to their husbands on all matters, while others have more equal and collaborative relationships.
The arguments
At the core of the ‘tradwife’ ideology is a belief in the importance of family, marriage, and traditional family structures.
Proponents argue that by embracing traditional gender roles, they can create more stable and harmonious households, fostering stronger bonds between spouses and children.
For many women involved in the ‘tradwife’ movement, it represents a rejection of the pressures and expectations imposed by contemporary society.
They see traditional homemaking as a fulfilling and empowering choice, reclaiming domesticity as a source of pride rather than oppression.
Moreover, some ‘tradwives’ cite dissatisfaction with the rat race of corporate life, longing for a simpler and more meaningful existence centred around home and family. By focusing on domestic duties, they aim to create nurturing environments conducive to personal growth and familial happiness.
However, the ‘tradwife’ movement is not without its critics and controversies. Critics argue that promoting traditional gender roles perpetuates outdated stereotypes and undermines efforts towards gender equality.
They argue that women should be free to pursue any lifestyle they choose whether traditional homemaking or a career outside the home.
Furthermore, some worry that the ‘tradwife’ movement romanticises an idealised past while ignoring the realities of historical gender inequality and oppression. They caution against glorifying traditional roles without acknowledging the social and economic disadvantages that women faced in the past.
Additionally, there are concerns about the impact of the ‘tradwife’ movement on women’s autonomy and agency.
While some women may genuinely choose traditional homemaking, others may feel pressured to conform to societal expectations, limiting their opportunities for personal and professional fulfilment.
As the ‘tradwife’ trend continues to evolve, it is important to engage in nuanced discussions that recognise its appeal and its potential drawbacks.