Tommy Hilfiger to Launch 3D Fashion Video Game in 2024

If you have ever thought of working from the point of view of celebrated fashion designers, you’ve got a chance! One of the highest-grossing and renowned American fashion designers, Tommy Hilfiger is set to bring to our doorsteps the material and the space needed to create fashion masterpieces through an app.
Set to launch in January 2024, Hilfiger Ventures in collaboration with a game-developing company, Tilting Point has created a FashionVerse. This fashion app or video game will enable users to create 3D avatars or models of different sizes, curate trendy clothes and shoes for the avatars as well style scenes “with the latest fashion trends, IRL brands, and backgrounds,” according to the official game description.
FashionVerse will launch on iOS and Android through the Netflix mobile app in January. Hilfiger also explained to Vogue Bisuness that he aims to explore the world of fashion through the upcoming video game.
“It’s been a life goal of mine to make fashion more accessible,” Hilfiger said in a statement. “Given how many people engage with fashion through their phones, I thought there has to be a way to bring everyone together into one community, providing a more immersive experience.”
FashionVerse will also allow players to display their works, vote for the works of other stylists as well as comment on styles that stand out.
There is also a wide range of digital exclusives from famous musicians and beauty brands to choose from to revel in the real world of fashion.