Did you know that Henry Ford ‘invented’ the weekend?

Even if we never seem to have enough of them, we all adore the few days that bring the workweek to a close.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford. Photo Credit: Getty Images / Getty Images Hungary

Weekends are the best parts of the weekdays. Even if we never seem to have enough of them, we all adore the few days that bring the workweek to a close.

We can unwind, spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies, or simply get some much-needed rest. But did you know that Henry Ford is responsible for the contemporary concept of the weekend?

The pioneering American manufacturer and creator of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, is widely recognised for transforming the automobile industry by introducing assembly line production. However, his influence on the modern workday is less well-known but just as profound.

Prior to Ford’s intervention, the average workweek in the United States was six days long, with employees working ten to twelve hours each day. This gruelling schedule was prevalent in many occupations, leaving little time for leisure or family.

Ford, recognising the negative impact of overworking staff, implemented a five-day workweek in 1914. However, critics argued it would reduce productivity but found it increased efficiency, allowing Ford to maintain output levels while providing employees with more time off.

The business mogul’s decision to cut the workweek and raise employees’ pay to $5 per day was a humanitarian and financial gesture, boosting demand for automobiles and expanding the automotive sector. By the 1920’s, this shift led to the five-day workweek becoming standard across the US, establishing the modern weekend.

Over time, the concept of the weekend has expanded over the world, with many countries implementing comparable workweek schedules. Today, the weekend is more than simply a time for rest and leisure; it is also an important part of maintaining work-life balance. It enables people to recharge their batteries, spend time with family and friends, and engage in activities outside of work.

So, the next time you indulge in a slow and cozy Saturday morning lie-in or a Sunday afternoon stroll, remember to thank Henry Ford. His revolutionary approach to labour not only altered the automotive industry, but also provided us with the gift of the weekend.


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