Tech in Asia Conference


Southeast Asia has emerged as a bright spot in the global startup community, attracting significant investment and attention. Despite the recent challenges posed by global economic headwinds, the outlook in Southeast Asia remains incredibly robust.

With a rapidly growing talent pool and culture of innovation, the region is cementing its position as a global center of entrepreneurship.

Tech in Asia Conference is our largest flagship event, uniting APAC’s startup and tech communities. Conference’s dedicated segments for founders, investors, regulators, and talents create opportunities for attendees to walk away with truly meaningful insights and opportunities.

The event will be hosted in Kuala Lumpur  (July 2024) and Jakarta  (October 2024) and it will feature hundreds of speakers and panelists, all sharing exclusive insights and behind-closed-doors content through a series of panels, keynotes, skill-building workshops, and exclusive interviews with established and emerging brands across a multitude of industries.




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