Spotify’s New AI Playlist: A Game-Changer for Music Lovers

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Spotify is rolling out an exciting update to change how we create playlists. This new feature, powered by AI, lets users craft personalized playlists with just a few typed prompts. For now, it’s available to Spotify users in the UK and Australia who use Android and iOS devices. This step is part of Spotify’s bigger plan to make music streaming more personalized and fun.

Here’s how it works: You can ask for playlists for any occasion or mood, like “music for a cat’s birthday” or “tunes for zombie fighting.” The trick to getting a great playlist is to mix it up with different genres, moods, artists, and eras in your prompts.

Once Spotify whips up your playlist, you’re not stuck with it as is. If you want it cheerier or filled with more pop songs, just let the AI know with a quick command. Not a fan of a song? Swipe it away. Spotify uses smart tech, called large language models (LLMs), to figure out what you’re asking for. Then, it looks at what you usually listen to and makes a playlist that feels right for you, thanks to its deep knowledge of your music taste.

The idea for AI playlists isn’t brand new. Back in October 2023, some tech sleuths found hints about this feature in Spotify’s app code. Spotify kept quiet about it until a TikTok video in December showed off how it works, sparking interest and excitement.

Discovering this feature is a breeze. Navigate to the ‘Your Library’ tab in the Spotify app and tap the plus sign (+). You’ll find ‘AI Playlist’ as an option. If you’re unsure about what to request, Spotify offers a plethora of suggestions to kickstart your playlist, ranging from ‘chill work music’ to ‘exploring Witch House.’

Spotify has ensured that this AI is respectful and will not create playlists based on offensive prompts. It also avoids current news or brand-specific requests.
This move is part of Spotify’s larger effort to embrace AI. Remember the AI DJ that went global last year? It’s like that, but for playlists.

Spotify’s boss, Daniel Ek, has shared many ideas about using AI for cool stuff like summarizing podcasts and making unique audio ads.

Before this AI playlist feature, Spotify had something similar called Niche Mixes. But this new feature is way smarter and can handle a much wider range of requests. It’s all about making Spotify not just a place to listen to music but an interactive experience where your music matches your mood and interests perfectly. As Spotify keeps exploring AI, it’s clear they’re leading the way in making streaming music more exciting and personal for everyone.

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