Profile of Laura Ayerza de Castilho

Eleanor Sa-Carneiro

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Laura Ayerza de Castilho is a former journalist, foreign correspondent, former member of the foreign service at Argentina’s Ministry of foreign affairs, and of the Argentinian delegation at UNESCO in Paris and consulate in London.

Deeply passionate about her country and its politics, her mother was certain she should have been a member of parliament. Later in life she became a jewellery designer, a craft she maintains, selling her art globally.

The mantra by which Laura Ayerza de Castilho’s lives is “Live every day like it’s the last” by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, as she works and lives life to its fullest, both professionally and personally.

Laura returns to Argentina every year and for every major election. This Sunday October 22nd she travelled to Argentina to vote and was drafted as a controller at one of the ballot sites in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, her birth town. Laura told Qonversations what she witnessed first-hand and how surprised she and her controller colleagues were at the results and hopes Argentina can overcome its troubled political and economic history.

Laura reached a major conclusion with these recent elections, “At the end of the day, Cristina Kirchner won yesterday because it (Sergio Massa) was her candidate, she was the one that supported him financially for the campaign”. These and other statements and inside information make The Qonversation with Laura Ayerza de Castilho an insightful viewing.

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