Kenyan governor stirs controversy with photo on milk carton meant for new project

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Governor of the Machakos County, Wavinya Ndeti has sparked conversation among citizens in Kenya after a decision to engrave her image on milk packets meant to be distributed to all public Early Childhood Education Centres (ECDE) in the area.

The milk packet production under the free milk programme is aimed at boosting nutrition among children and improving their health and well-being.

The project which was launched on January 18, 2024 at Kyemutheke Primary School in Mavoko Sub-County will ensure that all Pre-Primary (Nursery) school children will enjoy milk twice a week, to be distributed by the Early Childhood Education Centres.

The program, the first of its kind dubbed 'Maziwa ya Mama' with the slogan 'Feeding the Future' will also boost the income of dairy farmers who supply the milk, according to a statement.

The packets of milk have the Coat of Arms of the Machakos County at the top, followed by a picture of Governor Wavinya Ndeti.

This has generated controversy with many questioning the rationale behind the governor’s image being printed on a product that has been funded with taxpayer’s money.

But others have congratulated the governor for the initiative which they describe as commendable.

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