French readers enjoy world’s only four-year newspaper

“La Bougie du Sapeur” provides a satirical perspective on various subjects, including politics, sports, and international affairs.

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The sole quadrennial newspaper globally, known as “La Bougie du Sapeur”, has once again become available at kiosks in France with the release of its latest edition. This distinctive 20-page tabloid is published exclusively on 29 February, occurring once every leap year. Originating in 1980, the current release marks its twelfth issue.

Newspaper created by a group of friends

Conceived by a group of friends seeking amusement, La Bougie du Sapeur, also known as The Sapper’s Candle, had a printing run of 200,000 copies. Priced at €4.90 (£4.20), the newspaper not only covers its costs but exceeds them.

Editor Jean d’Indy remembered, “After the initial edition sold out in two days, newsagents were demanding more copies – so we agreed, but only in four years’ time!”

Maintaining its informal approach, the paper continues to be produced by a small group of friends who convene in a bar to brainstorm ideas over drinks. “We have a lot of fun, and if the reader does too, that’s the icing on the cake,” adds Mr. d’Indy.

‘Anti-politically correct’ publication

Positioning itself as anti-politically correct, La Bougie follows the structure of a conventional newspaper, featuring sections on politics, sports, international affairs, arts, puzzles, and celebrity gossip. However, the articles are crafted as humorous commentaries. The headline for this edition, “We will all be intelligent,” introduced a story discussing how AI is rendering exams and intellectual achievements obsolete. The second main story, titled “What men need to know before becoming women,” explored what it deems as “challenges” for men considering transitioning.

“It is French humor, and it doesn’t quite translate into other languages,” explains d’Indy. “We aim to be silly but not hurtful – to poke fun without being cruel.”

Among the international pages, a brief piece serves as a reminder to the French about the “most forgettable” of modern British prime ministers – Liz Truss. In the sports section, the editors propose the establishment of a Winston Churchill award for the first person to be eliminated in the Olympic Games, citing Churchill’s supposed motto, “No Sport.”

Additionally, a serialized story titled “The Drowning in the Pool” is featured, with the next instalment scheduled for 2028.

Not available online

“La Bougie du Sapeur” takes its name from one of France’s earliest cartoon characters, Le Sapeur Camembert, a simpleton soldier depicted in comic drawings about army life in the 1890s.

The newspaper is not available online and can only be purchased at newsagents and newspaper kiosks.

“I hope we provide a breath of fresh air every four years,” expresses d’Indy. “In today’s world, people need the opportunity to laugh.”


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