Author: Naa Oyoe Quartey

Did you know? The concept of AI was developed in the 1950s

2024 02 19T141103Z 275614176 RC2Q56AQ23MP RTRMADP 3 TECH AI scaled

Can chimpanzees lead humans to new medicines?

Chimpanzee Medicine

How International Yoga Day became a global phenomenon

yoga group 1

Did you know? Part of India was a colony of France


Is Kagame’s bid for a fourth term a true expression of democratic choice, or does it signal a drift towards authoritarianism?

2024 02 12T064943Z 308552884 RC2U06AOLV5G RTRMADP 3 EMIRATES SUMMIT

#TrendsArena: #RejectFinanceBill2024 trends as Kenyans protest over excessive tax hikes

Reject Finance bill Kenya

Tensions escalate in South China Sea: What really happened at Ren’ai reef?

South China Sea

North Korea and Russia forge strategic alliance: A new global order?

Putin and Kim

#TrendsArena: Mixed reactions as Ramaphosa begins second term

Cyril Ramaphosa 2nd term

Doha Talks: Will the Taliban’s participation change the course for Afghanistan?

Taliban Afghanistan

Did You Know? People who are messy are usually more intelligent

Messy Intelligence

#TrendsArena: How Thais received passing of same-sex marriage bill

LGBTQ Thailand