5 everyday things that leave intelligent people drained

Many people view intelligence as a gift that can help them solve problems and succeed. Nonetheless, there are challenges that highly clever people must overcome that might wear them out mentally.

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For bright minds, finding a balance between stimulation and mental rest is key to staying refresh. Photo Credit: Parkview Health

Many people view intelligence as a gift that can help them solve problems and succeed. Nonetheless, there are challenges that highly clever people must overcome that might wear them out mentally.

These five typical experiences, supported by psychological understanding, exhaust intelligent people.

1. The Boredom of Small Talk

Small talk can seem like a pointless endeavour to many bright people. Experts note that people with high IQs frequently find superficial discussions, such as those on the weather or celebrity rumours, to be intellectually taxing. Their brains are hungry for deep, substantive conversations. Small discussion seems like a waste of brain capacity because they are continuously looking for intellectual stimulation, according to studies.

2. Dealing with Inefficiency

Intelligent people are often natural problem-solvers and value time efficiency. When processes or tasks are handled inefficiently, it can feel exasperating. Dr. Carol Dweck’s work on mindset suggests that intelligent people tend to get frustrated with wasteful efforts because their minds are wired for optimization. They prefer tasks that streamline and produce clear results, making inefficient systems a constant drain on their mental energy.

3. Overthinking Everything

Those who are intelligent tend to overthink things. Their greatest strength is their analytical minds, yet they frequently get caught up in a cycle of ruminating and “what-ifs.” According to renowned overthinking specialist Dr. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, this propensity can result in worry, burnout, and mental tiredness. People with high IQs frequently have heightened self-awareness, which makes it difficult for them to just let go of certain thoughts.

4. Navigating Illogical Arguments

Irrational or illogical arguments are frequently difficult for intelligent people to understand. According to Dr. Daniel Kahneman, who is well-known for his studies on cognitive biases, educated people may find it cognitively taxing to participate in conversations that lack logic. Constantly trying to rectify fallacies or comprehend erroneous reasoning might drain their mental resources, leaving them feeling angry and drained.

5. Lack of Intellectual Stimulation

Just like a healthy body requires exercise, a sharp mind yearns for intellectual challenges. Intelligent people experience mental stagnation in environments devoid of excitement, such as those involving routine or tedious jobs. Research conducted by psychologists at the University of Cambridge reveals that people with high IQs require consistent mental stimulation to prevent feelings of weariness and restlessness.

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