Hi everyone,

Have you had a good day? Did anything special happen at work? Well, if so, I would like to know if it’s nearly as thrilling as the story I am about to tell you.

This man is Greg Crawley, he is a digger driver. And in his eyes is pure joy.

What you’re seeing in his hands is part of a Roman marble statue. He found it with his digger bucket while building a new car park at Burghley House in Stamford, Lincolnshire. At first, he thought it was just “a big stone”, only to discover it had a face!

It turns out it was in fact the head of a statue of a beautiful Roman lady, dating back 1,800 years! The bust was found a few weeks later, but how it ended up buried at that spot, is a mystery. If you visit Burghley House you’ll be able to see the restored statue with your own eyes, no digger bucket needed.

What about you? What’s the most exciting thing you ever discovered? I’d love to hear your stories!