Professor Nicholas Westcott

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Nicholas Westcott’s remarkable journey in diplomacy is characterised by a unique story of building enduring relationships with the people of Africa. Throughout his tenure, he exhibited an unwavering commitment to fostering goodwill and understanding, transcending borders and cultures to create lasting bonds of friendship and cooperation.

While he went on to serve in many countries across the globe, Prof. Westcott’s heart remained in Africa. We could speculate that the reason for this was his willingness to listen and resonate with the stories and challenges of the local communities, or his genuine interest in the culture there.

Prof. Westcott is, in our opinion, one of the most modern British ambassadors to have served under Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service. During his time as the British High Commissioner to Ghana, Prof. Westcott and his family felt a sense of belonging.

Prof. Westcott’s extensive experience and deep knowledge of the continent have moulded him into a profound, genuine specialist aware of Africa’s traditions, culture, politics, and history.

Now a professor in global diplomacy at SOAS University in London, we are proud to have Prof. Nick Westcott as a contributor.

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