Malawi mourns as Vice President’s plane crash claims all lives onboard

Saulos Chilima
An aircraft carrying Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine others has gone missing, a statement from the president's office has said.

Following the missing plane of Malawi’s vice president, an update on the incident has stated that the aircraft was involved in a crash. All passengers died in the accident.

Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera made the announcement on Tuesday, June 11, stating that the wreckage of the plane was found, completely destroyed.

While making the announcement the president said, “The search and rescue operation I ordered to find the missing plane that carried our vice president and nine others has been completed. The plane has been found.  And I am deeply saddened and sorry to inform you that it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy”.

The president also stated that the military has started moving the remains of the victims to Lilongwe adding that funeral plans would be announced soon.

The military plane Saulos Chilima and nine others went missing on Monday, June 10.

The jet, which took off from the capital, Lilongwe, was supposed to land at Mzuzu International Airport, about 370 kilometres (230 miles) to the north, in 45 minutes. Contact with the aircraft was lost after it “went off radar,” according to a statement from President Lazarus Chakwera’s office.


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