Global Affairs
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Dream tech or sci-fi? Lucid dream communication breakthrough sparks big questions
A 34-million-year sediment mystery: What happened to earth’s geological record?
Meet Africa’s oldest dinosaur, a 230-million-year-old fossil
Did you know? Wearing a tie can reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5%
Gold-covered mummy unearthed after 4,300 years: Ancient Egypt’s hidden secrets unveiled
Can we finally map the mind? A deep dive into brain mapping advances
Did you know? It’s the male seahorse that gets pregnant, not the female
10 common signs of hormone imbalance and what to watch out for
What is cyber slavery and how is the crisis affecting thousands of Indians in South Asia?
Did you know? Leonardo da Vinci’s 1495 sketch birthed an early concept for a human-like robot
Comfort or torment: Should we use virtual reality to see departed loved ones?
Did you know? Astronauts can’t burp in space